5 Tips to Avoid Employment Litigation
Employment Lawsuits are Expensive and Disruptive The cost of defending an employment lawsuit is measured in the tens of thousands of dollars. Defending a discrimination claim through trial brought by a single employee can easily reach $100,000 in attorneys’ fees and...
Wages for Off-the-Clock Work for Retail Employees: Frlekin v. Apple, Inc.
Fourteen years ago I filed a class action lawsuit against Polo Ralph Lauren over its practice of conducting bag checks or exit searches of employees after they had clocked out and were no longer being paid. At Polo all employees were required to undergo exit...
Employment and Educational Discrimination Based on Protected Hair Styles are Illegal Now Under California Law
The Public Shearing of Andrew Johnson’s Dreadlocks In December 2018, a video, seen by millions, showed a white high school trainer in New Jersey cutting dreadlocks from 16-year old African American wrestler, Andrew Johnson. The lead referee had offered the young...